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NSCC1010: You've Got This!

Extra resources to accompany NSCC1000 textbook
Career Pathways that Connect to Degrees @ Nashville State

Need help considering a career pathway that connects to a degree at Nashville State? You can go to the Nashville State website to Explore All Programs.Or this link organizes all our degrees by Career Pathway on a single page: Nashville State Career Pathways. Each degree links to its own program page.

The program page for AAS degrees shows the career outlook like the one below for Culinary Arts. 

The Career Outlook for Culinary Arts from the Nashville State website

The program page for transfer degrees (AS, AA) links to the Tennessee Transfer Pathway (TTP) website if the degree is a TTP with transfer and career information.

TTP page for Psychology

Check out this video on a career in hospitality management. 

You May Be Able To Get College Credit for Previous Experience

As you consider a degree, consider if you can gain credit for previous experience and finish faster! All degrees have this option. You can take a College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) test at a Nashville State Testing Center. Passing the subject test can lead to college credit. Many AAS degrees have specific information on previous experience that will count for college credit. For example, you can earn college credit for

For more information on Credit for Previous Experience and Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) see this website

Example Degree Plans @ Nashville State that Connect to a Career

Would you like to make your own Academic Plan? That's an assignment in NSCC 1010. If you are not in the class, talk to your advisor and see this self-help guide on Academic Plans.