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ECED2340: Family and Community Engagement Project

This research guide is designed to assist with the Family and Community Engagement Project in the ECED 2340 course.

Interview Questions

Conduct an in-person interview with the family. Ask the family the interview questions listed below. Take notes as you interview. Then, type responses below each question. The interview questions and answers must be turned into the assignment dropbox.


Family Members Names (please use first names only):


Age(s) of the child(ren):


1. Who is your family? Share a little about your family (family composition, ethnic background, socio-economic status, home language, a child with a disability, etc.).


2. What are some of your child’s strengths and family’s strengths?


3. What are some of the challenges your child and family face?


4. What are some goals you have for your child and family?


5. Describe the relationship you have with your child’s teacher.


6. What do you wish your child’s teacher knew or understood better?


7. What strategies have you noticed your child’s teacher using to build a relationship with you? What resources and information can you contribute to a relationship with your child’s teacher?


8. How can your child’s teacher better support you and your child during transitions between classrooms and/or other early learning settings to help ensure a continuum of quality early care and education?


9. What types of communications from the teacher/school/program have been the most effective for you?


10. What community resources have been the most helpful to your family? Are there other types of community support or resources that would benefit your family?


11. Additional question (You will create this question.) Write the question and their response below.